Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ASU Hornets hit the field with first game in sight

ASU Sports Information

Photo: ASU defensive coordinator Tony Pierce goes over play call

ASU game plan in place for Jacksonville State

With only four days remaining before their home opener, the Alabama State Hornets held their Monday practice at Cramton Bowl, the site of Saturday night's game versus Jacksonville State.

Both ASU defensive coordinator Tony Pierce and offensive coordinator Maurice Harris liked what happened on the field.

Maurice Harris checks out his offense

Photo: Coach Harris

"They were pretty good out there," Harris said. "We went through several specialty situations and the guys performed well."

After using the first several weeks of fall practice to get his team acclimated to the new offense he installed, Harris began putting in the game plan for Jacksonville State last Monday.

"We had to make sure we understood what we wanted to do first," Harris said. "After that, we could start gearing up for the game."

On the defensive side of the ball, Coach Pierce has been happy with the effort and energy of his defense.

"They can smell gameweek," Pierce said. "All of the guys who were sitting out with bumps and bruises are now out here playing with those same bumps and bruises."

Those injuries have really been Pierce's only point of trepidation.

"My concern is how long our guys will last with some of those nicks," he said. "I think we are ready to play, and if we can stay healthy we definitely have a fighting chance."

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