Friday, August 31, 2007

Following the SCSU Bulldogs

By Thomas Grant, T&D Blog

Time to get to business
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
4 PM
After checking in, the offenses and defenses separate for team meetings prior to a 5 p.m. practice at Air Force Academy High School. It’s the first opportunity for many of the players to test themselves with the altitude. By the way, the temperatures are in the low 80s with some clouds hovering over the mountains.

So far, so good
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
The plane is about 90 minutes away from Colorado Springs. For the most part, there have been no commotions or jitters shown by first-time flyers like offensive lineman Jake Johnson. As the plane descends, Assistant Athletics Trainer Stephanie Troscinski is serenaded with ‘Happy Birthday’ and also receives a cake. Can’t tell what the time is since all cellphones are turned off the entire flight. As it turns out, we land at 4:10 Eastern Time. Next stop, the Antlers’ Hilton.

Off in the air
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
1:10 PM - Finally, the proper weight and balance is achieved and the plane is ready to depart. More good news comes in the fact that the pilot will not have to make a fuel stop, insuring the two-hour, 57-minute trip will be non-stop and should keep the Bulldogs right on schedule.

‘Smells like a Lockerroom’
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
12:36 PM

Departure time is still 24 minutes away and the inside of the airplane feels like a sauna. The pilot has yet to start the plane as the luggage carriers continue to work towards loading the plane. Needless to say, water is in high demand and some have resorted to use the exit seating instructions as a fan.

“It smells like a lockerroom and feels like hell,” one Bulldog party member was heard saying.

We later learn the carriers are having trouble balancing the weight of some luggage (I hope he wasn’t talking about me).
More water!

Ready to fly
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
12:03 PM

Word of advice to future travelers. Certain deodorants can possibly set off a metal detector. After three attempts through the security check, I was allowed to board the plane. The players grab a Chick-Fil-A bag and board an sky blue, white and gold Alligient Air aircraft. The craft apparently seats as many as 150 people and just about every seat is taken. Once aboard, I take the long walk to the rear of the plane and plant down at Row 35, Seat D. It’s a window seat, but much of the view is obstructed by one of the wings. The wait begins.

John Edwards ‘reunites’ with SCSU
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
11:20 PM

The Bulldogs’ buses arrive at Eagle Aviation 10 minutes early. In what had to be a sheer coincidence, Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards has just landed for more than likely a campaign stop in the capitol city. He had virtually no interaction with the team, save for accidentally bumping into one of the members of the Bulldogs’ travelling party on the way out. It never ceases to amaze me how smaller politicians look in person.

As SCSU head football coach Oliver “Buddy” Pough departs the bus, he does a brief interview with WLTX. During the interview, he said Saturday’s game was ‘real special for the program. It’s something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time.” He also said the Bulldogs ‘we’re going out there to compete.”

Moving day
Thursday, August 30th, 2007
9:15 AM

Today is moving day for the South Carolina State football team. The team is currently eating breakfest at Truth Hall and are about an hour and 15 minutes away from leaving Orangeburg for Eagle Aviation. They are scheduled to depart for Colorado Springs at 1 p.m. with the flight lasting close to three hours. Once the Bulldogs settle in, they will waste little time getting down to business. A team meeting will take place at 6 p.m., followed by practice a half-hour later at Air Force Academy High School.

Hopefully, there will be no reports of players or school officials getting sick or passing out on the airplane. As for myself, I’ve only flown cross-country once back in 1995 to New Mexico. I understand the rules have become more stringent in regards to what is acceptable on board and when you can use a cellphone, DVD or CD player. As long as use of such items are still limited to takoff and landing, no one will have to worry about boredom.

Getting ready for Colorado
Wednesday, August 29th, 2007
8:12 p.m. Eastern Time

I’m still at the newspaper getting last-minute instructions from team officials and the higher-ups. Like the Bulldog players, this is definitely a business trip where I hope to provide exclusive game coverage of the Bulldogs.

For the first time, Lee Enterprises has given us the tools and capability to cover SCSU football like never before. Fans will be able to access this blog and the website for interviews, previews and game updates pertaining to Orangeburg’s only college football team. As the season progresses, we hope to have video footage showcasing the sights and sounds which make up Bulldog football. This is an ambitious challenge the newspaper has decided to undertake, but as SCSU aspires to reach another level in football, we hope to do the same with our coverage.

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