Wednesday, October 3, 2007

(FAMU's) Chester leaves team

My View

I am still sorting through my feelings regarding the stunning announcement last night given by Albert Chester II to the Tallahassee Democrat. First, I respect Chester as a student-athlete and as a strong representative of FAMU. However, I do not like the way he blind-sided his coaching staff and specifically Coach Rubin Carter, by making a public announcement on his decision without notification to the athletic department leadership, i.e., the athletic director or Coach Carter. His prepared written statement read to the Democrat would have been sufficient notification, even if provided by a student messenger.

However, no one player or coach is bigger than the Rattler athletic program. We learned that lesson so well in the wrongful firing of NCAA and FAMU Hall of Famer, William "Billy Joe" by temp-president Castell Bryant. The Rattlers overcame this setback and will also overcome the sudden departure of Chester II, as we prepare for game five of the schedule.

Our prayers goes out to this young Rattler as he begin a new phase of his life without college football. We wish him much success in his pursuit of his degree(s). I for one (as a fan) appreciate his contributions to the Rattler program and enjoyed watching him play.

More importantly, I do like the statement provided by senior Leon Camel as he is ready to lead the Rattlers into the Circle City Classic battle with Winston Salem State University. Let's beat the snot out of these Rams! We are still in the battle for the MEAC championship. (beepbeep)

Photo: Albert Chester being sacked by Delaware State defender.


Florida A&M quarterback Albert Chester II has decided to leave the football team.

Chester said Tuesday that he's abruptly ending his collegiate career because his often-injured body can no longer endure the pounding it has taken for the past two seasons. Coach Rubin Carter said he wasn't aware that he'd lost his starting quarterback before he was asked to comment on the sudden departure.

Chester announced his decision in an interview with the Democrat about 30 minutes after Tuesday's practice. Chester, who didn't attend practice, disclosed his decision while reading from a hand-written, prepared statement.

“I spoke with my physician and my family and we've come to a decision that will be in my best interest to no longer play football,” said Chester, who has battled various injuries since becoming the starting quarterback in 2005. “The possible damage that lies ahead if I keep playing could possibly affect me for the rest of my life.”

Chester's decision comes just five days before the Rattlers face Winston-Salem State in the Circle City Classic on Saturday in Indianapolis. Chester played almost three quarters last Saturday before giving way to backup Leon Camel in an 18-17 victory over Tennessee State University.

Carter said he was “shocked” at the news that his starting quarterback has decided to leave the team without informing him. He also said that Camel was prepared to take the starting position.

“I know that I can lead the team,” said Camel, who refused to comment on Chester's decision. “It won't be too hard. I've done it before. As long as I have my teammates to back me, it won't be hard for me to lead them down the field.”

Compared to last season when he threw for 1,986 yards and completed 164 of 264 attempts, Chester hasn't been having the best of seasons. He's completed 57 of 95 passes and was intercepted three times in four games.

Chester said he played every game in pain; Carter said he was willing to stick with the quarterback.

“I never have given up on Albert,” said Carter, who said he wouldn't comment further on Chester's decision until he met with the quarterback. “I just want to see that he is OK.”

Meanwhile, Carter said he'll make whatever adjustments might be necessary on offense.

“I feel that the football team and the program itself will survive,” Carter said. “The program is bigger than me or any of the players. It doesn't revolve around me or just one player.”

Chester said he and Carter haven't spoken since he was taken out of Saturday's game. But Chester said he had discussions with defensive end Tyrone McGriff about his future with the team.

“I haven't really felt like I would be as I was last year,” Chester said. “There is a lot of pain that I've been going through. It's bothering me when you feel like when you go to war your gun isn't as fast as it used to be. It's been real frustrating.”

But his teammates didn't expect him to walk away.

“I told him he is the bus driver on this bus, but I guess he wanted to go in a different direction,” said kicker Wesley Taylor, who said Chester was hinting at his decision a week ago. “We're going to miss him. He was a key factor to our program, but the Rattlers will prevail. We're going to get through this as a family.

"Our football team has been going through a lot and we'll find a way to get through this. We never stop fighting.”


1. Quinn Gray, 1998-2001 ... 7,378

2. Oteman Sampson, 1996-97 ... 6,836

3. Tony Ezell, 1988-91 ... 6,620

4. Ben Dougherty, 2002-04 ... 5,211

5. Patrick Bonner, 1998 ... 4,148

6. Nathaniel Koonce, 1980-82 ... 3,707

7. Albert Chester, 2004-07 ... 3,369

8. Steve Scruggs, 1967-70 ... 2,981

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