Sunday, October 28, 2007

LOL: Things that make you go hummmmmm...

I'm sure everyone that has played an instrument in a high school band has aspirations of playing in a better band. This film clip shows a few students and their reaction to seeing and hearing the opponent band performing a half-time dance routine. The unseen performing band, the Tennessee State University Marching Aristocrat of Bands, and the fans on the video clip--members of the Austin Peay State University Marching Band drum section on Sept. 15, 2007, in Clarksville, TN. TSU beat APSU 33-32 in overtime, but I'm sure these fellows didn't care as they were looking forward to the 5th quarter so they could get their grove on with the TSU Band.

Draw your own conclusions...welcome to the Ohio Valley Football Conference, y'all!

Austin Peay State University Marching Governors Band

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