Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Statement from 'former' FAMU starting QB Albert Chester II

After reading Chester's statement, I have one final comment on this matter. No time is a good time to leave, be it before the season or before the 5th game. So, let's treat his decision like a season ending injury with no eligibility left for a fifth year senior. No need to over analyze or second guess his rationale for leaving. Life goes forward, especially for Rattlers!

Thank you for all your services to the FAMU RattlerNation, Mr. Chester and God bless you... (beepbeep)

Albert Chester's statement announcing his decision to leave the Florida A&M football team:

Today I come to you as a man - as a man who has to make a decision on my current well-being and my future. Throughout my career as a Rattler football player, I've sustained numerous injuries to my right arm. In January 2005, I first injured my elbow and I promptly took a trip to the world-renown Dr. Andrews at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. This is when I was first diagnosed with an entrapped nerve. During the same year, I dislocated my right shoulder.

In 2006, I broke my left middle finger and severely sprained my right thumb and my wrist; all on my right hand. During 2006, I also had to leave and have two abscesses removed off my leg during the season.

This brings us to 2007. I sprained my right shoulder and the nerve in my elbow was re-aggravated for trying to come back too early. I'm not saying this to complain because you have to love this game to play it; and I do. But to make a long explanation short, my entrapped
nerve has caused me to lose the feeling in my right hand and extreme pain in my forearm and extreme pain in my biceps and triceps. Playing this year has been a painful experience.

I spoke with my physician and my family and we've come to a decision that will be in my best interest to no longer play football. The possible damage that lies ahead if I keep playing could possibly affect me for the rest of my life.

I would like to thank the many that recruited me, even though we've had our squabbles in the past, (and) coach Billy Joe and coach (Rubin) Carter for allowing me the opportunity to be a FAMU football player, quarterback and captain on the team. Both have touched me in
ways they'll never understand.

To my teammates; I wish them the best of luck for the rest of the season and in life. To Isaac West, Eddie Battle, Philip Sylvester and Tobias Lee; hope you all remember the things I've said and become the great players and great men I know you all can be.

As far as my life if concerned, the story doesn't end here so don't be sorry for me. I'm a fifth-year senior, a Pharm.D candidate, so you'll probably see me in the pharmacy filling your prescriptions or trying to counsel you on your medicine. I'll also be around town and with different organizations.

I will like to say I love everyone all over Rattler nation, even though some of you don't like or never did like me. It's been a roller coaster ride, but like Whitney Houston said, "the ride with you is worth the fall." I wouldn't trade it for the world. I give all the glory and honor to God and Jesus Christ who is the center of my life.

In closing, I want to leave with saying I love you and I appreciate all of you. It would be really nice if the people who supported me stand by me as I go through this troubling time and make this life-changing decision.

This for the most part is final, but it could change, maybe later. But I seriously doubt it.


Albert Chester

We dedicate this song to you, Al Chester II...

Florida A&M University Marching 100

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