Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Delaware State University Gives Canadian Student Major of Her Choice and Much More

Photo: Introducing Delaware State University Soccer player Savitre Bachoo, 5-6 playing the midfield position. The sophomore Nursing major is from Notre Dame Catholic School, Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

Savitre Bachoo chose Delaware State University and there is more than one reason why she did. “I viewed all the other schools that were also interested in me because of soccer and basically at Delaware State the atmosphere here on campus is awesome. Savitre is nineteen years old and in her second year at Delaware State.

She says for her, studying in the United States is a great learning experience. “I think it is not so much how important, but I think it is more of how great it is as a learning experience because in the United States as well as Canada too I can see that there is a lot more opportunities around you as long as you take advantage of it here, anywhere really, but with this is for me I think that there is a lot of things going on that you can always get yourself involved,” she says.

Going to college and playing soccer here is important for Savitre, but she says she also is mindful of having a job once she finishes. “Well, I am originally from Toronto, Canada and the reason why I decided to the United States was because I am on a soccer scholarship right now, but my whole goal in the future is I am a Nursing major and in terms of working in Canada as oppose to the United States, nurses make a lot more here,” she says.


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