Sunday, February 10, 2008

Jacksonville Jam owner wasting his money

Photo: Jacksonville Jam Coach Mike Gillespie and several former FAMU and MVSU players may soon become unemployed due to the failure of the Jam owners to cover payroll and travel expenses of the team.

When Jacksonville Jam owner Felix Krupczynski decided to bring the umpteenth minor-league pro basketball franchise to this city, I publicly warned him that he was throwing money away. He brought the Jam here anyway and it couldn't last two seasons, in two different leagues, without running into financial problems.

If you don't have the resources to pay salaries or travel costs, why start this kind of business? Asking the Premier Basketball League to come to your rescue only makes things worse. Krupczynski claims the PBL reneged on promises to help the Jam, but isn't it the responsibility of the owner to cover expenses?

Now that the PBL has severed ties with Krupczynski midway through this season, you'd think he would pack it in for good...


We are sorry to see the failure of this franchise as it adversely impacts former Florida A&M University coach Mike Gillespie and several former MEAC and SWAC basketball players that played at FAMU and MVSU, respectively. Hopefully, they all will land on their feet and get a true opportunity for pro basketball.

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