Friday, April 4, 2008

Offense has ASU Hornets up to speed

Photo: Alabama State players have adjusted well to the spread offense (Texas Tech style) implemented by offensive coordinator Ben Noonan.

When he first made the decision to bring the spread offense to Alabama State, head coach Reggie Barlow guessed he might see some surprising things from his players. He figured one or two guys would come out of nowhere to be major contributors.

He wasn't exactly going out on a limb with those ideas.

Because of its simplicity, producing surprise players has become one of the most common attributes of the spread offense.

"It reduces everything down to its simplest form and allows players to worry about just one or two plays," Barlow said. "Think about it. Before, our play list out here for seven-on-seven drills, we would have several plays and run them all one or two times. Now, we've got seven (plays). And we run them over and over and over and over. That takes a lot of thinking out of things for the players."


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