Wednesday, May 28, 2008

(Casey Printers) Ticats expect to be right in thick of it

Photo: Former Florida A&M quarterback Casey Printers will try to jump start his CFL career with the extra baggage of being the highest paid player in the Canadian Football League for the lowly Hamilton Ti-cats.

We expect to be right in there competing with them," Taaffe said. "We played very competitively most of the time. That's part of the growing process. When you've got a chance to win in the fourth quarter, that's the next step, learning how to close the deal."

The feeling is having Casey Printers at quarterback from the start of the season (he joined the Cats mid-2007) could go a long way to this team's return to the post-season. But will an improved Printers be enough to make up for weaknesses throughout the roster?

That's where veteran CFL talent guru Bob O'Billovich enters the picture, taking over as Hamilton's GM. Known for unearthing talent, most recently for the B.C. Lions, O'Billovich has also been forced to address a losing climate in Steeltown.


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