Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sources: MEAC chooses Winston-Salem

City has won bid to hold tournament for next 3 years

Winston-Salem has won the bid to play host to the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Basketball Tournament for the next three years, according to several sources. At the MEAC spring meetings, which took place last week in Virginia Beach, Va., presidents and chancellors voted to award the tournament to Winston-Salem. The meetings ended Friday with one of the final votes determining where the tournament would be played for the next three seasons.

An announcement is expected to be made early this week. Neither Dennis Thomas, the commissioner of the MEAC, nor Chico Caldwell, the athletics director at Winston-Salem State University, could be reached for comment yesterday.

But sources have said that the vote came down to Winston-Salem and Raleigh as the final two choices. Winston-Salem officials made a strong proposal to bring the tournament to Joel Coliseum, pledging $100,000 to bring the tournament here.


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