Sunday, June 29, 2008

The beat goes on for former Landstown coach Chris Beatty

Photo: FAMU's Joe Taylor, the former Hampton University coach made a surprising move in 2006, hiring Chris Beatty out of the high school ranks to run his offense. “Chris has this great ability to evaluate talent and then find a way to get the football to that talent. To me, to hire a guy like that, it wasn’t a risk. It was a no-brainer.” (Mark's Digital Photography)

MORGANTOWN, WV - Here in the war room at West Virginia University, the newly assembled football staff is building its offense, but the braintrust has hit a snag. Offensive coordinator Jeff Mullen, who helped Wake Forest to an ACC title in 2006, is stumped. So is associate head coach Doc Holliday, who helped Florida win a national championship in 2007. Receivers coach Lonnie Galloway, who came from an Appalachian State staff that won the past three I-AA national titles, has no answers.

The group turns to the youngest, least-experienced coach in the room. He offers simple advice, his career-long mantra. “I know one thing,” Chris Beatty says. “You don’t take the ball out of your best player’s hands. You just don’t. Let’s start there.”

Everyone nods. Basic, but brilliant.


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