Sunday, June 15, 2008

Valley already getting ready for football season

You won't find Willie Totten vacationing during the dog days of June. The Mississippi Valley State head football coach and the rest of his staff are hard at it preparing for the 2008 season. Each of the coaches will get a short break in early July, but for now, they are busy checking on players and newcomers making sure they are doing what they need to do to be eligible in the fall.
"It's constant phone calls and paper work," said Totten Thursday during an interview in his office on the Itta Bena campus. "June is a time to get organized for when everyone comes in early August. "We've got four new coaches in the (Southwestern Athletic Conference), so we're looking at film trying to pick up some things they might do against us this season."

The Delta Devils report to campus Aug. 3 and will begin two-a-day practices five days later in preperation for the Aug. 30 season opener at home against Texas College.


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