Friday, July 25, 2008

Taylor enjoys FAMU project

Joe Taylor looks to resurrect Florida A & M's football fortunes, just as he did Hampton's.

Joe Taylor is more of a jazz than a rock guy. But his 20-day road trek during the late spring and early summer — stops in Atlanta, Miami, Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville included — was as frenetic as a rock tour. The purpose was similar, too: Generate excitement and money. Taylor hit the road to rally the alumni of Florida A&M, where he became head football coach seven months ago.

"I hope I have one more resurrection left in me," said Taylor, who coached at Hampton University for 16 seasons before moving in January to FAMU. "The support I'm getting from the alumni is great. I just hope I can live up to their expectations.

Photo: FAMU head football coach Joe Taylor by Mark's Digital Photography.


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