Saturday, July 12, 2008

Teacher, artist, coach, Mann


Alvis Mann, who warned a generation of Hampton High football players not to get "snuck on," was explaining how one day you look up and three-and-a-half decades have whizzed past and suddenly you're bearing down on 60. Next thing you know, it's a long and happy marriage and two grown daughters. It's double-figure state championships and more Peninsula District titles and playoff appearances than you can count. It's an immense role in the bonafide dynasty that is Hampton Crabbers football.

Mann, who graduated from Hampton University with a degree in art education, will tell you that he loves color. The almost caricature-like figures of Ernie Barnes, the "Porch People" series by A.B. Jackson, the scenes of Barclay Sheaks. He has a long list of influences and artists he admires. How much time do you have?


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