Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Assistant coach vows: N.C. A&T's offense won't be boring

GREENSBORO -- To some observers, the football principles of new N.C. A&T coordinator John McKenzie replicate the West Coast offense. Others might call it a spread. Still others invoke the name of Dan Henning. Confused? Well, good. That's sort of the point. "We'll take one play and run it six or eight ways," said McKenzie, who became head coach Lee Fobbs' first offensive coordinator at A&T this spring.

People in motion, myriad forms of deception and play-calling balance are the goals, all of which signal opportunity for as many players as possible. McKenzie, who directed the offense at Alcorn State for the past seven seasons, vows it won't be boring. "Sounds good to me as a receiver," said senior Chaz Dawson. "We like the system. We feel we can move up and down the field."


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