Wednesday, August 20, 2008

FAMU RB Page powerful

Rattlers freshman LaVonte Page packs a wollop in a 5-11/211 pound frame with wheels that can motor past most cornerbacks.

A voice from the sidelines gave LaVonte Page a little encouragement during Tuesday's football practice. Page had shaken off two defenders, leaving them sprawling on the turf. "To the house," reverberated across the field from the sideline. "To the house, baby." It was great encouragement, but the freshman running back from Douglasville (Ga.) High School has been showing that he is driven for more than a week now.

"That just desire to score," he said, sweat rolling down his forehead. "If you have the desire to score, nobody can stop you. That's all I have to do. "I was taught when you get the ball you cut and run hard," Page said. "I just keep my legs moving. You never know how many chances you get to go into the end zone, so I try to go every chance I can." Page had several explosive runs Tuesday, as he's been doing since arriving on campus.


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