Thursday, August 14, 2008

SCSU's Wednesday practices shortened by rain

By SCSU Sports Information

Both South Carolina State Wednesday practices were abbreviated due to rain, however, the Bulldogs did manage to get in some productive work, according to head coach Buddy Pough. In a morning session conducted in a steady rain, SC State used the opportunity to work on some wet-ball situations for most of the one hour, 45-minute drill. The Bulldogs’ evening session got underway in a light rain as the team, once more, devoted some time to wet-ball and rainy condition situations.

“Both our workouts were rain-shortened,” said Pough. “But, it was a blessing that we were able to get in as much work as we did. Having a turf field was the difference. Had we not had the turf, we wouldn’t have gotten very much done. “We are still learning,” he continued. “I’d like to see us a little further along. At this point, we should have all the learning done and should be sharpening up. I think we will get there.”

The Bulldogs will return to their regular schedule Thursday, with just one practice, beginning at 9:50 a.m. On Friday, the team will conduct two drills – the first at 6:15 a.m., followed by a 6:50 p.m. workout.

On Friday, SC State will hold its “Meet the Players Day,” beginning at 12 noon, and following a 9 a.m. scrimmage. At 2 p.m., Coach Pough will conduct a “Ladies’ Football Clinic,” which will be interactive.

South Carolina State University Marching 101 Band

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