Monday, August 4, 2008

TSU back, Conditioning test is no sweat

Javarris Williams (#28) hits defenders like a Mack truck but his only concern Sunday night was hitting the sack early. The annual conditioning test for Tennessee State's senior football players is at 6:30 a.m. today and Williams wanted to be rested and ready. While he has finished each of the past two seasons with more than 1,000 rushing yards, he has not started well. He has had trouble meeting the conditioning test standards.

And though by any measure Williams is an NFL prospect, his poor conditioning cost him his starting job for last year's opener. This year will be different, Williams promised during Sunday's team photo session at Hale Stadium. "As soon as we get done eating dinner I'm going straight to the room,'' he said. "No TV, just music and bed, that's it."


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