Thursday, September 4, 2008

Detroit Mayor Pleads Guilty, Will Resign

RAW VIDEO: Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick at Hearing

CHICAGO--Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D) pleaded guilty this morning to two felony perjury charges and agreed to resign from office, a stunning fall for a politician who was once considered one of Michigan's most promising leaders.

Kilpatrick admitted in Wayne County Circuit Court that he lied twice under oath. He agreed to leave office within 14 days, serve 120 days in jail and pay a $1 million fine. He also pleaded no contest to assaulting a police officer.

"Yes, I lied under oath," a somber Kilpatrick in a hearing carried live on television in Detroit and nationwide on cable channels. Detroit voters elected Kilpatrick twice, only to see city business paralyzed by his March indictment and his fierce determination to beat the charges. He once promised a "full and complete vindication."


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