Sunday, September 28, 2008

Michelle Obama, Jill Biden speak to over 8,000 at FAMU campus about student issues, economic crisis

Photo Gallery: Michelle Obama visits FAMU

According to Cindy Dick, Fire Chief of the City of Tallahasse, somewhere between eight and ten thousand people gathered on a hot and sunny day at the campus of Florida A&M University to hear Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden speak. The two women showed great respect for each other and spoke highly of the presidential debate held Friday night (Sept. 26, 2008).

The Rickards High School marching band opened the event with excitement. A giant “Change” banner was suspended in front of great white pillars. First Jill and then Michelle entered through double white doors, were swung wide open for their dramatic arrivals.

Jill talked about her experiences as a professor at the community college level. She explained that her students are her heroes, often juggling day jobs and caring for their children while still finding time to go to college. She described her dreams of a country in which college was affordable for everyone.

Michelle discussed Barack’s history and his promise to end the war in Iraq. She urged the students in the crowd to take action and help register Floridians to vote, noting that there are only nine days left to register here. In Florida, every vote counts, as it is a major swing state. She promised that she would personally call the parents and grandparents of the student on campus who registered the most voters and sing the praises of their child.

Please enjoy a video of the event.


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