Thursday, November 27, 2008

From the bottom to the top, here's how the SWAC stacks up this year

Last year around this time, I tried out the first SWAC-themed First and 10. It quickly became the hit of the holidays. In its wake, coaches were fired, coaches were hired, egos were bruised and we all laugh­ed a lot. Let's do it again. Away we go, worst teams first.

No. 10, Alabama State: Picking the worst SWAC team this year is like trying to pick the person responsible for screwing up the McCain cam­paign. There are just so many options. Unfortunately for ASU, I went to the scoreboard. The Hornets have scored just 137 sad little points through 10 games -- an average of 13.7 points per game. If you're an offensive coach and you can't average two touchdowns per game in the SWAC, I think it's time to step back and take a hard look at your career choice. mean, the conference isn't exactly known for its great defensive minds. Of course, it hasn't helped ASU that head coach Reggie Barlow believes he's a judge on some new reality series where he can vote off an offensive coor­dinator every week.


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