Saturday, January 31, 2009

N.C. A&T's Lee: We're selling a brand-new era

GREENSBORO, N.C. -- Alonzo Lee's first two weeks as N.C. A&T's new head coach have been anything but quiet. Lee was introduced Jan. 16 and immediately met with recruits and current players while trying to fill out the rest of his coaching staff. Between meeting with recruits and trying to find a house in Greensboro, Lee sat down with the News & Record to talk about myriad issues surrounding Aggie football, next week's national signing day, A&T's recruiting budget and how long he thinks it will take to turn around a program that has lost 36 of its last 39 games:

Let's talk about recruiting. How much of a handicap is it when it's just you and two other coaches out there talking to players?

It's very much a handicap, but it's the way you look at things. It's definitely an uphill battle. You would love to have your entire staff, but I can't count anything that's not there.


Memo to Al and Jesse: get a job
Game Notes: Howard vs. NCAT
Aggies batter rams before dogbite
North Atlanta QB has picked school, but not telling anybody

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