Friday, March 13, 2009

Morgan misstepped by not signing Bozeman to extension

Bears risk losing successful basketball coach

With the Ravens' run deep into the playoffs and Maryland men's basketball program surrounded by flashing lights and blaring alarms these past couple of months, I didn't get to see Morgan State play as much as I'd have liked.

I was able to follow the Bears, though, thanks to the highly entertaining and mostly unpredictable blog maintained by coach Todd Bozeman at . One minute he's lamenting a loss ("The guys came out with NO energy, NO focus, NO respect for their opponent and NO respect for each other. It was embarrassing for sure!"), the next he's ripping an official ("dude is a clown ... case closed!") and the next he might be talking politics ("One NATION under a groove ... gettin down just 4 the funk of IT! WOW! Barack Obama is the next President of the United States!!!!!").

There is one blog post I've been waiting for, one that is long overdue: Bozeman announcing a new contract that will keep the coach at Morgan State for several years to come. Bozeman hasn't written it, though, because it's not true. In fact, as Morgan State begins play in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference tournament tonight, just three wins away from its first trip to the NCAA Division I tournament, Bozeman has amazingly reached the end of his contract with nothing in place to secure his future at the school.


Let's get real! Morgan State has no chance re-signing Coach Bozeman. This marriage of convenience is over with the expiration of this contract, as both parties accomplished their goals. Bozeman is back and his name is at the top of the "want list" on every major college with a non-winning Division I program. Unfortunately, the MEAC does not have the collective vision to be a serious basketball conference, nor is there the level of fan support to scale basketball head coaches salaries over $175,000.

What is Norfolk State head men's basketball coach earning? $95,000 annually for three years! FAMU's coach Eugene Harris earns $155,000 per year (4 year contract). FAMU's athletic director earns $175,000 annually. You get the picture.

Dang shame for the MEAC and Morgan State to lose this talented young coach over a few thousand dollars, but you can't spend what you don't have. The days of the Clarence "Big House" Gaines is long over with for young, ambitious black coaches. Money does matter! Bozeman has to take the money and the bigger stage to display his skills and earning power.

Sorry MEAC--30 years from now you will still be small potatoes playing before an arena of empty seats.


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