Monday, February 22, 2010

Rivalry Night: WSSU will take on A&T at the Greensboro Coliseum

Round 2 of one the state's best rivalries will be tonight, when Winston-Salem State and N.C. A&T meet in a basketball doubleheader at the Greensboro Coliseum. The games were moved from A&T's campus arena, the Corbett Center, in order to allow more fans to attend. The women's game will begin at 6, the men's game at 8. "We've got a lot of interest in moving the game because the coliseum can seat around 10,000, and the Corbett Center can seat around 5,000, so this will hopefully give fans a chance to come out," said Wheeler Brown, the athletics director at N.C. A&T.

Last year's game at the Corbett Center was a sellout, and it was estimated that about 500 fans were turned away at the door. "I'm not sure how many people were turned away last year, but I do know we had a ticket lottery for the students and all of that, but this year we don't have to do that," Brown said. The rivalry between the schools goes back a long way, but with WSSU returning to the CIAA next season, there have been questions about whether WSSU and A&T will ever meet in basketball again.

Bill Hayes, the athletics director at WSSU, has been the football coach at both schools, and he knows how important it is that the schools continue to compete against each other. "I'd like to play A&T in football, basketball, marbles, checkers, whatever sport we are playing, we need to play each other," Hayes said.


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