Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alcorn ready to tackle baseball season with new coach

Alcorn State baseball coach Barret L. Rey, Sr., ended his first head coaching job at Grambling State with a 56-94 record over a three year span moving the Tigers from the cellar to the SWAC semi-finals in 2009.

LORMAN, MS — Three things are on Alcorn State baseball coach Barret Rey’s mind, and those three things are the key to a championship season, he said. “It’s what I tell them every year,” Rey said. “All we need is defense, situational pitching and situational hitting. If we have those three things, we’ll be alright.” And Rey said he’s not satisfied with simply making the SWAC championship game. The Braves did last year, only to lose 11-7 against Southern University.

“We want to make it back, without a doubt,” Rey said. “But we don’t want to just be content with just getting there this year. We want to win, and we won’t be satisfied until we win. “This is a mature team, with a lot of juniors that were in the championship game last year. If we do things right — if we don’t beat ourselves — we’re going to be awfully tough to beat.” Rey singled out hitting as his team’s biggest strength, and said his players’ athleticism has allowed him the flexibility to move them around to different positions. “We can swing the bat,” Rey said. “We’re a pretty athletic team, too, and our success is going to come from our hitting and athleticism.



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