Monday, March 15, 2010

What A Long, Rewarding Trip It's Been For University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff

We call them "Champions of the Southwestern Athletic Conference, the UAPB Golden Lions."

Arkansas-Pine Bluff is certainly battled-tested entering the NCAA Tournament. UAPB, which clinched a berth with a 50-38 victory against Texas Southern in the SWAC Tournament, hit the road in search of competition and money early in the season. Playing at eventual NCAA tournament teams like UTEP and Missouri and Georgia Tech and Kansas State was a good way to make money for the athletic department as those programs paid to have the Lions come essentially with the understanding that it would be a loss. What was good for the pocketbook (a similar schedule last year raised $700,000) wasn't good for the record. UAPB started 0-11.

Here's more from an early season New York Times piece:

Arkansas-Pine Bluff's entire basketball season has been a road trip.The Golden Lions began their season with a game at Colorado. They lost. Two days later they played at Denver. They lost again. Three days after that, they had a game at Texas-El Paso. And they had another loss. By the time they had finished their first week on the road, the Golden Lions had traveled nearly 2,800 miles. And they were just getting started. A peek at the Golden Lions' schedule revealed that their first 11 games all had the dreaded @ next to their opponent.


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