Sunday, April 4, 2010

Absences giving coaches look at developing JSU Tigers

Jackson State has dealt with limited numbers this spring as the team goes through practices with many expected starters out due to injuries or grades. And you'd think that would be a concern for coaches like defensive coordinator Darrin Hayes, whose secondary has been without Anthony Johnson (toe), Jalil Johnson (academics), Qua Cox (academics) and Jeremy Keys (work obligations). The 15 NCAA-allowed drills are crucial to player development, but Hayes isn't stressed and sees an upside.

"I get the opportunity to see other guys play other positions that you wouldn't normally have them play," Hayes said. "Those (returnees) have played in game situations and they'll be here all summer. "It's those guys who haven't been in the thick of the battle - you don't know how they're going to react. Spring tells you if a guy's going to get gun-shy." There isn't much concern about Anthony Johnson, Jalil Johnson or Keys, who combined to play 25 games in 2009, but Cox saw action just once.


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