Thursday, April 8, 2010

SSU not rushing to hire AD, football coach‎

Savannah State University has not begun advertising for an athletics director or football head coach, and SSU Vice President for Administration Claud Flythe said there is no rush to do so. Bart Bellairs, who was paid $110,000 annually, resigned Nov. 23 as athletics director, a position he held for 18 months. Robby Wells, who was paid $90,000 annually, resigned Jan. 28 as football head coach, a position he held for two seasons.

"There is no deadline because, I'll be candid with you, I knew at the university I have two good people who can move us along," said Flythe, who oversees athletics. "There is no doubt in my mind." Flythe appointed Marilynn Suggs, SSU's assistant athletics director and senior woman administrator, to interim athletics director the day after Bellairs resigned to become athletics director at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, La. Suggs appointed defensive coordinator, Julius Dixon interim head coach, the day Wells resigned.


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