Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ammons wants FAMU athletic facilities upgraded

FAMU officially launched a campaign on July 8, 2010, to raise $750,000 to add artificial turf to Bragg Stadium in time for the Rattlers' first home game Oct. 2. The immediate goal is for 1,454 supporters to donate $516 each. Head football coach Joe Taylor (left) and vice president Carla Willis is leading the fundraising.

After running non-stop through a long list of new constructions or renovations projects that will take place on the campus of Florida A&M, university president James Ammons finally took a breath. Then, he went on with another list that's just as important. The swimming pool, baseball field, tennis courts and Bragg Stadium. All of them need upgrading, and Ammons doesn't want it to be patchwork. The multimillion-dollar Lawson Center, where FAMU's basketball and volleyball teams play is his benchmark.

"All of those facilities need attention," Ammons said during an interview with the Democrat. "As we look at where we're going in athletics, that next mountain to climb is the facility mountain. We've got to bring all of the other facilities up to the Lawson Center." Improving the facilities is a must-do project because they could translate into championships in the long run, Ammons said. "We want to make sure that every program leader has a chance to win," he said.


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