Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Devil of a job: Deck stacked against MVSU coach Morgan

Karl Morgan won't say it, but I will. Morgan, the first-year head football coach at Mississippi Valley State, has the most difficult job in football. Believe this: If anybody has a tougher job, you don't want anywhere near it. Neither does Knute Rockne or Bear Bryant. Why is Morgan's job so hard? Let us count the ways:

•He replaces the legendary Willie Totten, whose name is on the Valley stadium, but who won only 31 games in eight seasons at the Valley.

•Oh, that stadium? Morgan's first team can't play in it. It's condemned and will have to be repaired. Valley will play its "home" games 45 miles away at Greenville High School.

•Totten's last team finished 3-8 overall and won just one SWAC game. Obviously, better talent is needed, but Morgan got the job two weeks before signing day. In other words, pickings were slim.

•Division I-AA teams are allowed 63 football scholarships, and most of Valley's opponents award that many. Valley is limited to just above 50.


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