Friday, August 27, 2010

Ex-Rams hero Jones now coaching SU linebackers

For seven long seasons, Southern football coach Stump Mitchell ran on the rock-hard turf at Busch Stadium, earning his reputation as a fan favorite in St. Louis. But as former NFL players go, he’s not the most beloved in St. Louis history. In fact, Mitchell’s not even No. 1 on his own coaching staff. That honor belongs to his linebackers coach, Mike Jones.

Yes, that Mike Jones.

If you’ll recall, he’s the guy who made perhaps the most famous tackle in Super Bowl history — wrapping his arms around Kevin Dyson, dropping him 1 yard short of the goal line as time ran out in Super Bowl XXXIV, preserving a 23-16 win for the St. Louis Rams. “He told us about the stop. He said he missed the tackle, but he really made it,” strongside linebacker Gary Chatman said. “He’s a good linebacker coach and a cool, good guy.”


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