Tuesday, August 17, 2010

JSU O-line taking shape under Black

There were times during Jackson State's fall camp last year when center Antonio Colston glanced to his left, then to his right and had to do a double take in both directions. t was always someone different. "We were always rotating," Colston said. "One day it might be this guy starting. The next day it might be another."That didn't help cohesiveness. It didn't help communication. It didn't help anything. Things have changed, though.

During the first week of this year's fall camp, a selected five offensive linemen have received most of the reps. New line coach Gregory Black said there are no starters named thus far. Asked about those five, he said that group could always change. But, for now, the crew includes left tackle Terrael Williams, left guard Darius Mitchell, Colston at center, right guard Chris Holmes and right tackle Roderick Gladney. Players say this group is beginning to act like one cohesive unit - something that's been missing on this squad for a couple of years.



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