Sunday, August 8, 2010

MVSU's Jerry Rice enters Hall of Fame with typical grace

Jerry Rice and San Francisco 49ers former owner Eddie DeBartolo Jr., unveils Bust of Mr. Rice, the legendary player from tiny Crawford, Mississippi and Mississippi Valley State University Delta Devils.

CANTON, Ohio -- This should surprise no one. But when it was Jerry Rice's turn to talk here Saturday, the man was prepared. Know why? He was scared. He has been scared all along, as he acknowledged in his meticulous yet powerful acceptance speech at the Pro Football Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

"I'm here to tell you that the fear of failure is the engine that has driven me throughout my entire life," Rice said. "It flies in the faces of all these sports psychologists who say you have to let go of your fears to be successful. But not wanting to disappoint my parents, and later my coaches, teammates and fans, is what pushed me to be successful."

Rice then added: "When I was a kid "... I was always running, even before I played sports. I ran everywhere. I didn't even know why. But I guess I was preparing myself for something, destined for something, but I didn't know what." Saturday, of course, was the "what." It was the ultimate "what," really. Rice could finally stop running. He officially joined the most elite club in his sport. In doing so, he looked and sounded like a million bucks. It was no upset for a football player who always paid painstaking attention to detail.



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