Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who'll catch on as NSU's top WR? Jeremy Wicker

NORFOLK, VA --Jeremy Wicker (#17) lacks the traditional wide receiver's desire to draw attention to himself, even when he might have every right to stand up, wave his arms and scream. With Norfolk State's top two wide receivers from 2009 gone, one of the Spartans' crucial issues is determining who will catch passes thrown by their yet-to-be-determined quarterback.

The answer, Wicker says, should be pretty clear: It's the guy who has been a Spartan for five seasons now. "Even some of the guys on the team, they don't direct it at you, but you hear them. They're like, 'Man, now we don't have any receivers.' It's like 'Come on. I've done this before. I've had 100-yard games. I've played Kentucky. I've played Rutgers. I've done it.' " With reasonable success, too.


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