Thursday, September 2, 2010

After a few false starts, Howard's Keith Pough is ready to shine

For many football players, the history of the game stretches only as far back as when they first started playing. Not so for Howard linebacker Keith Pough. Pough studies players who never made a "SportsCenter" highlight, such as Jim Brown, or ones whose careers ended while he was still a toddler, such as Lawrence Taylor.

"I can't say I'm a historian of the game, but I love the game so," Pough said. "I love to watch those that came before me and who have put in so much work. I feel like I'm doing them an injustice playing the game and not being at my full potential."

Nevertheless, circumstances have prevented Pough from realizing the full extent of his talents at Howard. Entering his third season, the 6-foot-3, 225-pound redshirt sophomore has yet to play an entire season.


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