Friday, September 3, 2010

After win, ASU to use bye week to fine tune

ALBANY, GA — Ah ... the bye week. It’s the point in the football season where coaches can re-assess their strategy, focus on fixing mistakes and get extra time to prepare for the next game. But when it comes after only one game, is it a positive or a negative? Albany State has a bye this week, but it falls after a 42-12 road win against Kentucky State in the season opener this past Saturday.

The only question is, will the bye benefit the Rams because it’s an early chance to focus on what the team needs to work on, or will it stop their momentum? According to head coach Mike White, it’s a little bit of both.

“It doesn’t stop your momentum, but it is really early in the season, so it’s almost like camp (all over again),” White said. “We gotta get back to the basics and work on what we did in camp and what didn’t go so well in our first game. It gives us time to get those things straightened out.”


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