Thursday, September 2, 2010

ASU lands two on SIAC preseason team as 2010 season opens Saturday

ALBANY, GA — Slow and steady wins the race. No, there aren’t any tortoises on the Albany State men’s and women’s cross country teams this year, but head coach Kenneth Taylor is stressing that saying all the same as his teams heads into its season-opening race against Troy University Saturday.

“Basically, we’re doing a lot of race-pace training,” said Taylor, who coaches both the men’s and women’s teams. “The first race is usually a shorter race, so we’re working on maintaining race pace, which may be slower than other runners’ (paces at other schools), but it’s better than (the possibility of our runners) overextending themselves.”

So despite the SIAC coaches predicting Tuesday that the Rams would finish in fifth (men) and sixth (women) in conference this year, Taylor said they’ll just focus on the track and what they have to do to improve.


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