Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taylor pleased with FAMU's performance

DOVER, Del. — Coach Joe Taylor's palms might be a little sore today after applauding his Florida A&M football team as much as he did Saturday night at Alumni Stadium. When he wasn't letting his players know how much he appreciated their play, he paced the sidelines with his hands akimbo.

He might have clasped his hands to his hips more times than he wanted to because the gesture didn't always come when Taylor liked what he saw on the field. The penalties that the Rattlers committed in their 17-14 victory over Delaware Sate bothered him. FAMU committed six penalties in the first half and finished the game with nine for a loss of 57 yards.

FAMU AD Horne enjoys wearing his new colors

DOVER, Del. – At halftime of Saturday's game, Florida A&M athletic director Derek Horne was smiling broadly. It was still there at the end as the Rattlers' new AD got his first live view of a MEAC football game. He liked the fact that the Rattlers were on top 10-6 at the half on the road. The Rattlers had to rally from a 6-3 deficit to get the lead after the first 30 minutes.

"I think they are rebounding real well from a tough loss last week," Horne said, referring to the Rattlers' season-opening loss to the University of Miami. "As we go through the season they will get better and show some improvement. We just hope they can keep their heads up and get on a good roll."

Twins hit the road to follow FAMU

DOVER, Del. — Jackie Bryant and her twin sister Joyce Miller had good reason to drive more than 1,000 miles from Tallahassee to Alumni Stadium for Saturday's game between Florida A&M and Delaware State University. "We have high expectations of winning," Jackie said.

Those expectations were met. FAMU beat the Hornets 17-14 to improve to 1-1 overall and 1-0 in the MEAC. The sisters will put another 1,500 miles or so on their car when this road-trip is over. After Delaware, they'll head to Washington, D.C., to catch the Rattlers against Howard University. Then after reloading back home, they'll head back on the road to the Atlanta Football Classic.


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