Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First Murphy; Now Comegy; Who's Next?

Why does comedy shows on the HBCU campus during homecoming week always include comedians that have vocabularies that does not require a college education to understand? What are we really teaching the students/young adults if we put so-called professional comedians before them and pay them for dialogues laced with profanity?

I do recognize it really take skills to be funny, without the profanity and choice gutter adjectives.

Charlie Murphy's stand-up comedy performance at Grambling State on Wednesday evening clearly missed the mark as being first--funny, and second--entertaining. The dude maybe comedian Eddie Murphy's brother, but he is not funny nor does he present a positive image that I would want my children exposed to on any college campus.

What's more insulting is these types are commanding $22,000 or more in performance fees for their useless 1-2 hour presentations. Here is what appears to have happened based on the video clip posted on YouTube:

"After being booed by several students, Murphy, the brother of world-famous comedian and actor Eddie Murphy, shouted an expletive at the audience and dropped the $22,000 check given to him by the GSU Student Union Board for his performance and left the stage."


Next Snafu

On last Saturday evening, Jackson State University football coach Rick Comegy dropped 4 "F" words in a rapid fire 14 seconds on a local news reporter from Channel 12 in Montgomery, Alabama after the Alabama State Hornets squeaked past the JSU Tigers 32-30. Coach Comegy, as you can see was very angry with the SWAC game officials and their impact on the game's outcome.

Videographer: macbfac7312

I can understand and accept Comegy's outburst -- as he was caught up in the passion of the game and competition for a SWAC Championship. What's Charlie Murphy's excuse? A $22,000 pay day and he couldn't take a little booing from a spattering of fans that thought his material was weak....

Now, just my opinion--Coach Comegy was funnier than Charlie Murphy by ten country miles and he didn't get paid anywhere near $22,000 for this game or for his 14 seconds of Internet fame. I still don't want my children exposed to either tirade, but stuff like this happens in real life.

Before anyone gets the wrong ideal, it has been reported by reliable sources that Coach Comegy has provided an apology to the radio and television stations, the FCC and anyone else that care to listen. I can accept his apology and move on because Coach Comegy is very passionate about his work and the well-fair of his student-athletes.

Plus his delivery and quote is a Sports Center highlight of the decade. Charlie Murphy is not funny, except for those eyes! Coach Comegy is funny and entertaining.

As the commercial says, "want to get away?"

Caps off to you both---keep the laughs coming!


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