Saturday, January 1, 2011

Earnest Collins Jr. ready to make Northern Colorado football coaching job his own

UNC Bears Coach Earnest Collins Jr.
The University of Northern Colorado football program has enlisted a strong choice to serve as its next leader.

 Earnest Collins Jr. has his job. He has sought this position, worked for it, prepared for it, learned for it and now has ownership of it. It is not a stepping stone. It is not a learning experience. It's what he wants, and that is a good thing for the Bears.

Collins first attempt to claim his job occurred in 2005 when he interviewed to replace Kay Dalton. Not hired, he listened closely to the critiques relayed to him.

His true calling: Earnest Collins achieves goal to become UNC coach

Earnest Collins, Jr., didn't always know where life was going to take him, but he certainly knew that it would someday lead him back to the University of Northern Colorado.

That dream happened for Collins, the former Alcorn State head coach, on Thursday when he was officially introduced as the new head football coach at UNC before a full house in the Champions Room of the Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion.

Speaking from his heart and without any script, Collins, who is the Bears 16th head coach, displayed his passion for the UNC football program, his family and his faith as he was introduced publicly for the first time before a room filled with media, UNC personnel and supporters of the program.

Collins aims to restore passion for program

GREELEY, CO - New University of Northern Colorado head football coach Earnest Collins Jr. made one thing clear Thursday at his introductory news conference: He is going to make sure that Colorado and the school's alumni are excited about UNC football again.

Collins promised he would restore the winning tradition the school had during his playing days and his time as an assistant coach when it was a Division II program. "My No. 1 focus right now is to recapture the state of Colorado," Collins said. "That's the No. 1 goal for me, because when I was here, that's what it was. I don't know what it's like to lose. We never lost here."

Link: UNC Bears Football

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