Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ex-Cat Woods makes his home on the road

MVSU Delta Devils Coach Sean Woods
MVSU Delta Devils' fans haven't seen them play

You'll have to forgive former Kentucky point guard Sean Woods if he feels little sympathy for his alma mater's early-season basketball schedule. More than once, UK Coach John Calipari lamented the rigors of a trip to Maui and just two home games in the first six for his freshman-oriented team.

Boo hoo, Woods might say. His Mississippi Valley State team plays its first 14 games on the road. The first home game is still more than three weeks away. This week is especially hellish for the Delta Devils with games at Mississippi on Monday, at Arkansas on Wednesday and at Kentucky on Saturday. "We have the toughest schedule in the country," Woods said in a telephone...

Razorbacks run past Devils

FAYETTEVILLE, AR — You wouldn't know it by the final score, but for a half the Arkansas Razorbacks had a devil of a time subduing the Delta Devils.

The Razorbacks — now 7-1 going into Saturday's ESPN2-televised game with No. 25 ranked Texas A&M in Dallas — only led the Mississippi Valley State University Delta Devils, 43-38 at half before breezing, 87-64, Wednesday night at Walton Arena.

The Delta Devils of the SWAC (Southwestern Athletic Conference) are only 1-8 but played Arkansas tough for awhile like they had played SEC member Georgia all the way before losing, 72-70 in Athens, Ga.

Former Cat Woods To Return To Rupp As Head Coach At Miss. Valley State

Going through some of the old footage from 1991 for a story on Sean Woods brought back a lot of memories of a really fun time to cover UK basketball. The road for Sean Woods has had more than it's share of twists and turns. He thought he was going to the NBA. I still think had he stuck with it, he would have been at worst, a back up in the NBA for a long time.

Sean is Sean. He doesn't look any older. The smile and big laugh are still there. "You know it's basketball, it's not work to me," says the head coach of Mississippi Valley State.


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