Friday, January 14, 2011

FAMU A.D. Derek Horne's Rattler Progress Report

You will want to watch the exclusive interviews (see below) conducted by Tallahassee WCTV's Elton Gumbel with Florida A&M University athletic director Derek Horne. I can honestly say that the RattlerNation is well pleased with Horne's actions to raise the bar on Rattler athletics.

Yes, we know the Rattlers men basketball program need some serious attention, but that's coming with the completion of the present coaching staff contracts.

When the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc., finalizes negotiations with Southern University to be the 2011 classic opponent for FAMU, the football schedule will have some great new flavor, with Fort Valley State (SIAC), University of South Florida (Big East), North Carolina Central (MEAC) and possibly Southern (SWAC).

The FVSU Wildcats finished 8-2 in 2010, and will be an exciting season opener for FVSU's eighth president, Dr. Larry E. Rivers on his return to the hill. Dr. Rivers previously served as one of two FAMU “distinguished university professor” and dean of the FAMU College of Arts and Sciences. We will talk more about the schedule later.

Now, back to Derek Hornes and his perspectives on where he is leading the Rattlers athletic programs.


Just a few years ago the FAMU Rattlers' athletic road seemed to be full of speed bumps and maybe even a few wrong turns. But now their Wahnish Way is brighter and brighter by the day. For the last 149 days (and counting), Quitman, Georgia native Derek Horne has been settling into his role as athletic director.

Having the Rattlers win a MEAC football title just 4 months into the job helps make the new gig easier... But now that FAMU has transitioned from football and started putting the focus on Winter and Spring sports, the new leader has had a little bit of time to sit back and evaluate the state of the program. Safe to say, he likes what he sees.


Please Click Each Title below to view WCTV Video Interview

FAMU's Derek Horne on FAMU Optimism
FAMU's Derek Horne Unplugged
FAMU's Derek Horne on Spring Sports
FAMU's Derek Horne on Atlanta Classic Changes
FAMU's Derek Horne on First 4 Months as A.D.

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