Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Source: Athletic director hit list at Lincoln University (Pa.)?

LU Lions Athletic Director Dianthia Ford-Kee
LOWER OXFORD, Pa. — The mid-December departure of women's basketball coach Andy Haman is not the end of alleged house cleaning within the Lincoln University Athletic Department, several people with direct knowledge of the situation told the Daily Local News.

Two unnamed sources independently confirmed that Lincoln Athletic Director Dianthia Ford-Kee openly acknowledged having an unwritten "hit list" of athletic department personnel she was targeting for dismissal. Former assistant track coach Bobby Young -- reportedly on the alleged list along with Haman and several others -- said that the hit list was common knowledge among Lincoln coaches and administrators.

"I know I was on the list," said Young, who resigned on Dec. 20. "I thought it was inappropriate for (Ford-Kee) to tell everybody about the hit list and who she wanted to get rid of.


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