Saturday, February 12, 2011

NSU center O'Quinn loses 15 pounds, gains stature

NORFOLK, VA - Thin is in for Kyle O'Quinn. Anybody looking for answers as to why Norfolk State's 6-foot-10 junior center has been the best player in the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference for the past month should look no further than the scale. These days, it reads 235 pounds, 15 less than a year ago.

"I can get down the court now, almost all the time, where last year, I couldn't and didn't," said O'Quinn, who has averaged 25.4 points and 13.3 rebounds in his past five games. "Nothing tells you that you're dragging better than watching game film and running across a possession where your team is playing 4-on-5 because you haven't yet made it across half court."

So what spurred the weight loss? O'Quinn points to local high school basketball coach Walter Webb, whom O'Quinn met through a mutual acquaintance.

1. Videographer: UrbanSportsITG
2. Videographer: SportsGrooveTV


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