Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Alcorn State opts for next best thing to the Wiz

Provine's Riley makes the leap

Lorman, MS - When Alcorn State University decided recently to make a basketball coaching change, one columnist - blush - suggested only partly in jest the school should re-hire 81-year-old Alcorn legend Davey Whitney, the Wiz.

The theory: It worked twice before, why shouldn't it work again?

Turns out, Alcorn has done the next best thing. In Luther Riley, the 38-year-old Provine High School coach, the Lorman university has hired a Whitney clone, a guy who admittedly patterns himself after the elfish, but demanding man who made Alcorn basketball famous.

Riley takes over ASU basketball

LORMAN — Luther Riley saw first hand that Alcorn State men’s basketball could be successful while he was a graduate assistant coach under Davey Whitney.

Now, Riley said he’s looking to take the Braves’ hoops program back to that successful level of play. Riley, who has coached at John W. Provine High School in Jackson for the past 11 seasons, was introduced as the Braves’ new basketball coach Monday at the Jackson Convention Complex.

“We are extremely pleased and excited to welcome Coach Luther Riley back home to Alcorn State University,” said Alcorn President Dr. M. Christopher Brown.

Braves raid JPS for proven winner

Luther Riley entered from the right, walking across the platform before a half-full third-floor theater in the Jackson Convention Complex. Provine High's basketball coach for the last dozen years, Riley's face was unmistakable to the mostly Jackson-based Alcorn State fans before him.

Upon seeing Riley wearing a silver and purple-striped tie and a pinstripe suit, the group gave a standing ovation to the man they hope will turn around their basketball program - three years after being passed over for the job.

"This will be a daunting task," Riley said to the crowd moments later after being introduced as the university's new coach Monday in downtown Jackson.


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