Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ketchum to leave WSSU, join Blount at Delaware State

Coach Mike Ketchum, DSU Defensive Coordinator
Soon after Kermit Blount was hired at Delaware State, he talked about "getting the band back together" when asked about who he might hire as his assistant coaches.

One of those band members, Mike Ketchum, who was the defensive-line coach last season at Winston-Salem State, has been hired by Blount to be defensive coordinator.

Ketchum, 55, said on Thursday that he informed the team in an afternoon meeting that he was leaving for Delaware State.

"I think the biggest thing is to be a coordinator again … and getting the chance to work with Coach Blount again," Ketchum said. "It was wonderful to work with Coach (Connell) Maynor for a year but as you get older, you want to try to do as many things as possible before you stop coaching."


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