Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shaw Bears: Out Of The Wreckage In Raleigh, A Hero Emerges

LaMichael Howell,
Mobile, Alabama
Raleigh, N.C. - Faced with an emergency, a lot of us run away. But some of us run towards. That's what LaMichael Howell did this week when a tornado tore up his college campus.

Howell, a three-year captain of the Shaw University football team in Raleigh, N.C., was planning dinner with friends in his off-campus apartment Monday afternoon when the power went out. Moments later, the lights came back on and the news came in: a tornado had blown through the area and done catastrophic damage.

Howell decided to drive to campus to see for himself. And he'll never forget what he encountered.

"The student union was a wreck," says the 23-year-old senior. "Power lines were down. I couldn't see. Every turn you made, you had to turn back around. Trees everywhere. Dumpsters turned upside down."

Images from the Storm's Aftermath
Local Bank Establishes Shaw Relief Fund



To help, make your tax deductible check payable to Shaw University Disaster Relief Fund, Mechanics and Farmers Bank, 13 E. Hargett Street, Raleigh, NC 27601.

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