Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Athletic Program Discontinued at Saint Paul's College

**LAWRENCEVILLE, VA — (May 09, 2011) At its recent Spring Meeting, The Saint Paul’s College Board of Trustees took a bold step towards restoring financial stability to the 123 year old historical Episcopal College. The Board resolved to discontinue the entire Athletic Program at the College, effective July 1, 2011. The Administration is establishing a time schedule for implementation of the resolution with regard to its effect on the student body and their moral responsibility to the Athletic Staff. There was no doubt that once the College becomes financially stable again, consideration would be given to reinstating the Athletic Program.

While the Board of Trustees acknowledged that some notable progress has been made in the financial affairs under the current administration, in that the College has achieved a balanced budget twice in the last three years; however, the longstanding financial problems have yet to be remedied. Also, the U. S. Department of Education and the accrediting agency, SACSCOC have acknowledged some improvement in the financial affairs of the College.

Meanwhile, Dr. Robert L. Satcher, Sr., President and his Executive Cabinet have begun establishing a time schedule for the College to implement a full-scale Intramural Program for its students.

The 123-year old school fielded 7 men's and women's teams and was a member of the CIAA.

CIAA Statement Regarding Saint Paul’s College Athletic Department Dissolution

Hampton, VA -- It is with much sadness that the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) has learned of the dissolution of the athletic program at St. Paul’s College. The CIAA remains dedicated to the welfare of each affected student-athlete and will make every effort to protect their interests.

In anticipation of the discussion of this matter at the CIAA Board of Directors’ meeting slated for this week, the conference and Commissioner will wait to make any official comment until after its conclusion.


** From Saint Paul's College Press Release

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