Sunday, June 5, 2011

Video: Damon Allen and the great Canadian QB hope

When football fans rave about their favourite quarterbacks they usually talk about arm strength or how smart he is. Rarely do they speak about feet. And that’s a shame, according to Damon Allen. The Canadian Football League’s all-time leader in passing yards helped rookie Calgary Stampeders quarterback Brad Sinopoli train during the month of May. The main focus during their four workouts was footwork.

“Football is a game you play waist down,” Allen said following a training session with Sinopoli last Friday at Toronto’s York University. “No matter what position you play I always believed if you can make a guy’s feet better then he’ll become a better all-around player automatically.”

Videographer: nationalpost; 5 Drills: Damon Allen trains Calgary Stampeders quarterback Brad Sinopoli

In the video above Allen, who retired following the 2007 season, explains five different drills he had Sinopoli do, which will help improve his footwork.

“How often does a quarterback actually get a chance to throw in a balanced situation? Never,” said Allen. “A quarterback is almost always throwing on the move. It’s rare that you just drop back and get the time to throw. The majority of time you’re on the move and you have to slide and reset and throw or throw on the run or make something happen outside the pocket.”


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