Tuesday, July 19, 2011

ASU's Andrews accustomed to offensive changes

Montgomery, AL - At this point in his Alabama State career, senior receiver Nick Andrews isn't fazed by a change of offensive coordinators. He'd be surprised if there wasn't one. This is Andrews' fourth year at ASU. Fred Kaiss, hired prior to spring practice, is his fourth offensive coordinator.

"It's not unusual at all," Andrews said, smiling. "In a way, I think it's kind of helped us. We've learned a lot of different styles and techniques, and I think we're better off. And really, it's not that big of a deal. Football's football, you know. The terminology might be a little different, but we're still trying to do the same stuff out there."

What the Hornets are trying to do, of course, is work their way back to Birmingham and the Southwestern Athletic Conference Championship Game. They were there last year and fell to Texas Southern.


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